About Us

Hello everybody and welcome to HiveFly!

Our mission

The ultimate goal of HiveFly is to cover various topics in the following way:

  • gather the best resources on a particular topic internet can offer – so you can find them well-arranged at one place
  • plug the holes that are not covered anywhere with high quality information
  • present a complete guide for beginners so they can learn about the topic quickly and in a systematic way (preventing information overload)
  • provide honest and objective reviews of related products to help you choose the right one for your needs as quickly and effectively as possible

Why HiveFly?

The name of our website is simply an analogy of how the real hive is structured – the main part is/will be divided into several honeycombs (for example Sports, Home & Garden etc.) which contain particular topics or minisites (honey cells), such as Squash or Lawn Mowers for example. Now we are at the beginning of the long journey ahead of us – and to succeed, being as hardworking as a bee will be necessary.

We hope our effort will be rewarded with many visitors flying back to the hive for more useful information again and again 😉

How Do We Rate the Products?

For most products we show Amazon’s customer rating and Our rating as well. While these ratings are the same most of the time, they might differ in some cases – why is that?

We analyze 30 most useful reviews on Amazon, watch all video reviews currently available and look for other written reviews over the internet. Then we decide if the Amazon rating is reasonable – and if not, we simply reflect the discrepancy in Our rating.

When we modify the rating, it’s mostly because one of these reasons:

  • Outdated reviews: Some of the top reviews may be old and outdated, for example they mention a design flaw that has already been fixed by the manufacturer.
  • Wrong expectations: Let’s take an example – customer buys a compact sweeper designed for blowing dust out of a garage, but tries to blow away wet, heavy leaves and then writes a negative review. There is nothing wrong with the product, he just bought it for the wrong purpose.
  • Reviews for discounted or free products: Before Amazon took action against it, these reviews were manipulating the rating of some products a lot and we tried hard to correct that by Our rating.

Contact us

Your feedback is very important for us and we would like to hear from you. Have you found what you`ve been looking for on our site? Tell us about it! Is there something you would like us to cover? Just tell us!

You can send all your questions, remarks or suggestions to stepan@hivefly.com or use a contact form here.

About the author

Stepan HroudaMy name is Stepan Hrouda and I am the founder of HiveFly.com. I come from Jablonec nad Nisou, a beautiful city located in the northern part of Czech Republic.

I'm an internet entrepreneur and I work part-time as a photographer and graphic designer as well. I graduated from Neisse University with a degree in Information and Communication management in 2008, and in 2010 I started working on my first online projects.

Read more about me



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